One of the Most Sought-After Workshop Facilitators in K-5 or 6, K-8, Middle and High Schools Today
Elliot Y. Merenbloom retired from Baltimore County (Maryland) Public Schools to pursue a career as an educational consultant. During his career in the school district, Mr. Merenbloom served as a classroom teacher, school counselor, assistant principal, principal, Director of Middle School Instruction, and Area Director. He is a graduate of Towson University (undergraduate) and Loyola University of Maryland (Masters of Education and Advanced Certificate in Education).
His areas of expertise include: restructuring and the change process; efficient use of time and resources; organizational strategies; scheduling K-5 or K6, K-8, middle and high schools to include time for collaboration and intervention; and teaching in extended time periods.
With Barbara A. Kalina, a classroom teacher from Batavia, Illinois, he recently co-authored:
- The Educational Leader’s Guide for School Scheduling: Strategies Addressing Grades K-12 – Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group – March, 2017
- Making Creative Schedules Work in Middle and High Schools – Corwin Press – 2007
- Creative Scheduling for Diverse Populations: Maximizing Opportunities for Learning – Corwin Press – 2012
- Scheduling Time for Interdisciplinary Collaboration – AMLE Magazine (a publication of The Association for Middle Level Education) – May, 2015
- Scheduling: Creating Flexible Interdisciplinary Blocks of Time – a chapter in The Encyclopedia of Middle Grades Education – Information Age Publishing – September, 2016
During his career in Baltimore County, Maryland Public Schools Mr. Merenbloom authored two books for the Association for Middle Level Education – Developing Effective Middle Schools through Faculty Participation and Team Process: A Handbook for Teachers. During that period of time, he also contributed chapters entitled “Administering a Middle School” for Perspectives: Middle School Education, 1964-1984 and “The Mindful Middle School: A Shifting Paradigm” for If Minds Matter: A Foreword to the Future. Additionally, he wrote twelve journal articles.
In Spring 2019, The Association for Middle Level Education published an article in the AMLE newsletter, entitled “Is Your School Schedule Flexible?”, written by Elliot Merenbloom. Based on options available, when constructing school schedules suggestions are offered for teachers to utilize opportunities to manage time.